24 Machi, 2015



Kigali is capital city of Rwanda, for centuries, Rwanda existed as a centralized monarchy under a succession of Tutsi kings from one clan, who ruled through cattle chiefs, land chiefs and military chiefs.
The king was supreme but the rest of the population, Bahutu, Batutsi and Batwa, lived in symbiotic harmony. In 1899, Rwanda became a German colony and, in 1919, the system of indirect rule continued with Rwanda as a mandate territory of the League of Nations, under Belgium.
From 1959, Batutsi were targeted, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and sending almost two million of them into exile.
The First Republic, under President Gregoire Kayibanda, and the second, under President Juvenal Habyarimana, institutionalized discrimination against Batutsi and subjected them to periodmassacres.
The Rwandese Alliance for National Unity (RANU) was formed in 1979 by Rwandan refugees in exile, to mobilize against divisive politics and genocide ideology, repeated massacres, statelessness and the lack of peaceful political exchange.
In 1987, RANU became the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF). On 1 October 1990, the RPF launched an armed liberation struggle that ultimately ousted the dictatorship in 1994 and ended the genocide of more than one million Batutsi and massacres of moderate Bahutu who opposed the genocide.
After Kigali fell to RPA (RPF’s armed wing) on 4 July 1994, RPF formed a Government of National Unity headed by President Pasteur Bizimungu, bringing parties that did not participate in the genocide together. In 2000, Parliament voted out President Pasteur Bizimungu and RPF appointed then Vice-President and Minister of Defense, Major General Paul Kagame as the President of the Republic to lead the coalition government. In 2003 President Paul Kagame was elected with landslide majority to serve a term of seven years.
Rwanda is a thriving, safe country with one of the lowest crime rates in Africa. All major attractions are located within 1-5 hour drive from the capital, Kigali, this according to http://www.gov.rw/home/. But, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa- Rwanda is a small landlocked country in east-central Africa which is in the process of recovering from major ethnic strife there in the mid-1990s.
According to the website of Kigalicity, http://www.kigalicity.gov.rw, City of Kigali a gateway to Rwanda
Located at Rwanda’s geographical heart, the rapidly growing City of Kigali is not only the national capital, but also the country’s most important business centre and main port of entry.
City of Kigali, which started in 1907 as a small colonial outpost with little link to the outside world, is now 100 years old. Today, City of Kigali has come of age-as the capital of Rwanda and made phenomenal strides. It is a city that has not just survived, but has prevailed and has grown into a modern metropolis- a heart of the emerging Rwandan economy and a pride of every Rwandan.
Among the safest and friendliest of African capitals, City of Kigali is blessed with a moderate high altitude climate that belies its tropical location, and is conveniently located within three hours’ drive of the main tourist sites.
The Rwandan capital provides both a comfortable and welcoming introduction to this land of a thousand hills and an ideal springboard from which to explore this magical country.
City of Kigali is made up of three districts namely Gasabo, Kicukiro and Nyarugenge. It is presently inhabited by approximately 1 million inhabitants. Kigali is 70% rural with a population which is relatively young- the youth make up about 60% and women make slightly more the 50%.

This is smart Kigali because of the Involvement, arrangement with good quality infrastructure building including roads and electricity

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni